2023 Winter 7th & 8th Grade Boys and 5th & 6th Grade Boy & Girls League Results

Chestnut Ridge vs CFO Strategies, LLC
The Heartbeats vs Lady Jays
Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline) vs North Star Girls
Highland Tank vs Forest Hills Rangers
Remco vs Westmont White
Moore Dentistry vs Windber 4
Bic Basketball vs Westmont White
Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys vs Speed Demons
Highland Tank vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Dively Trucking vs Westmont White
Dively Trucking vs Chestnut Ridge
Richland 5th Subway vs Bedford Bisons
Windber CSS Medical vs Shady Vikes
Richland 5th ACS vs Berlin
Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank vs Portage Chevrolet
River Valley Boys vs Berlin
River Valley 5th vs 1st Summit Bank Portage
River Valley Boys vs North Star
Berlin 2 vs River Valley 5th
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Legends Warehouse
Berlin 2 vs United 6th Grade Girls
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Richland Lady Rams
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Westridge Properties
Berlin 1 vs Raynor Garage Doors
Westmont Red vs Westridge Properties
Berlin 1 vs F&J Sports
Westmont Red vs Shanksville Vikings
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Windber White
Richland 6 vs Shanksville Vikings
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Richland Red
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs United 6th Grade Girls
Off the Rak vs Lady Jays
Data & Audio Video Installations vs Windber 6
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs Cougars
Off the Rak vs Shady Vikes Team 2
Moore Dentistry vs Ligonier Valley Rams Black
Salisbury Elks vs Shade 4th/5th
Shady Vikes Team 2 vs Raynor Garage Doors
NovaCare Rehab vs Bic Basketball
Salisbury Elks vs Forest Hilles Medley
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs Sap City
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Richland 6
Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls vs Legends Warehouse
Windber Moose White vs Sap City
1st Summit Bank Portage vs Remco
Westmont Red vs CT Little Lady Indians
Windber Moose – Blue vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
Richland Red vs Windber White
Windber Blue vs Ligonier Valley
Forest Hills Rangers vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
Richland Blue vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Somerset 7/8th Boys vs Windber Blue
Benscreek Club vs CT-Toll Gate Inn
Richland Blue vs Ligonier Valley
Remco vs Chestnut Ridge
Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls vs CT Little Lady Indians
Raynor Garage Doors vs The Heartbeats
Westmont Red vs Legends Warehouse
United vs Speed Demons
North Star Girls vs CFO Strategies, LLC
Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys vs Benscreek Club
Richland 5th Subway vs Data & Audio Video Installations
Forest Hilles Medley vs Westmont White
Raynor Garage Doors vs F&J Sports
Windber 4 vs Forest Hilles Medley
Windber 6 vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs Westmont White
Richland 5th Subway vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
River Valley 5th vs Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs
Richland 5th ACS vs River Valley Boys
River Valley 5th vs Dively Trucking
Windber Moose White vs River Valley Boys
Berlin 2 vs Dively Trucking
Windber Moose – Blue vs Ligonier Valley Rams Red
Berlin 2 vs Chestnut Ridge
Windber CSS Medical vs Lady Jays
Forest Hills Rangers vs Ligonier Valley Rams Red
Berlin 1 vs Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Shanksville Vikings
Berlin 1 vs River Valley 6th
Westmont Red vs Shanksville Vikings
River Valley 6th vs Portage Chevrolet
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Windber Blue
North Star vs Bic Basketball
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Richland Blue
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs CT-Toll Gate Inn
Richland 5th ACS vs Ligonier Valley Rams Black
Richland 6 vs Westmont Red
Bedford Bisons vs CT-Toll Gate Inn
NovaCare Rehab vs Berlin
Shade 4th/5th vs Moore Dentistry
Windber Moose White vs Ligonier Valley Rams Black
Westmont White vs Berlin
North Star Girls vs Remco
1st Summit Bank Portage vs Cougars
Somerset Girls vs Lady Jays
Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline) vs United 6th Grade Girls
Sap City vs Bic Basketball
Somerset Girls vs Windber CSS Medical
Richland Lady Rams vs Legends Warehouse
Sap City vs Forest Hilles Medley
Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank vs F&J Sports
Richland Red vs The Hill 7/8th Boys
Ligonier Valley vs The Hill 7/8th Boys
The Heartbeats vs Shady Vikes
Richland Red vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Ligonier Valley vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Windber Moose – Blue vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Raynor Garage Doors vs Shady Vikes
Richland 5th Subway vs Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys
Portage Chevrolet vs F&J Sports
Data & Audio Video Installations vs Forest Hills Rangers
CFO Strategies, LLC vs Westmont White
Windber 6 vs Benscreek Club
Richland Lady Rams vs Westmont Red
Portage Chevrolet vs Shady Vikes
Legends Warehouse vs CT Little Lady Indians
1st Summit Bank Portage vs Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline)
Chestnut Ridge vs North Star Girls
Richland 5th ACS vs Salisbury Elks
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs CT Little Lady Indians
Bic Basketball vs Salisbury Elks
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls
Windber CSS Medical vs The Heartbeats
Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank vs Lady Jays
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs North Star
United 6th Grade Girls vs Westmont White
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs Highland Tank
Dively Trucking vs United 6th Grade Girls
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs Forest Hilles Medley
Dively Trucking vs Cougars
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs Speed Demons
Westridge Properties vs Richland 6
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Westmont Red
Westridge Properties vs Data & Audio Video Installations
Benscreek Club vs Speed Demons
Richland Blue vs Windber White
Off the Rak vs F&J Sports
River Valley 5th vs Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline)
Berlin vs Bic Basketball
Off the Rak vs The Heartbeats
River Valley 5th vs CFO Strategies, LLC
Westmont White vs Moore Dentistry
Berlin vs Windber 4
Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank vs Shady Vikes
NovaCare Rehab vs Shade 4th/5th
1st Summit Bank Portage vs North Star Girls
Richland Lady Rams vs Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls
Bedford Bisons vs Windber Moose – Blue
CT-Toll Gate Inn vs Forest Hills Rangers
Remco vs Cougars
North Star vs Windber Moose White
Highland Tank vs United
Richland Blue vs Windber Blue
Windber Blue vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home vs United
Ligonier Valley vs Richland Blue
Windber White vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Richland Red vs Ligonier Valley
Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls vs Westmont Red
Raynor Garage Doors vs Portage Chevrolet
Data & Audio Video Installations vs Speed Demons
Richland 6 vs Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys
Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline) vs CFO Strategies, LLC
Windber Moose White vs Moore Dentistry
1st Summit Bank Portage vs Westmont White
Windber Moose – Blue vs Forest Hills Rangers
F&J Sports vs Lady Jays
Richland 5th Subway vs Speed Demons
Richland 5th ACS vs NovaCare Rehab
Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline) vs Westmont White
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs Chestnut Ridge
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Westridge Properties
Berlin 2 vs Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs
Westmont Red vs Westridge Properties
Berlin 2 vs North Star Girls
Westmont White vs Shade 4th/5th
Windber CSS Medical vs Portage Chevrolet
Data & Audio Video Installations vs Highland Tank
Shady Vikes Team 2 vs Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank
Berlin 1 vs The Heartbeats
Shanksville Vikings vs Bedford Bisons
Berlin 1 vs Shady Vikes Team 2
North Star vs Moore Dentistry
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Westmont Red
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Windber White
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Legends Warehouse
Penns Manor 5th Grade vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Sap City vs Westmont White
Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline) vs Remco
Penns Manor 5th Grade vs Ligonier Valley Rams Red
Sap City vs River Valley Boys
Legends Warehouse vs Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls
United 6th Grade Girls vs North Star Girls
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs River Valley Boys
CT-Toll Gate Inn vs United
Off the Rak vs Windber CSS Medical
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs Benscreek Club
Bedford Bisons vs United
Off the Rak vs Somerset Girls
River Valley 6th vs F&J Sports
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs Bic Basketball
Somerset Girls vs River Valley 6th
Richland Blue vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
North Star vs Berlin
Windber White vs Richland Red
Forest Hilles Medley vs Berlin
Ligonier Valley vs Windber Blue
Chestnut Ridge vs 1st Summit Bank Portage
Richland Lady Rams vs CT Little Lady Indians
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Richland 6
Westmont White vs Cougars
United 6th Grade Girls vs CFO Strategies, LLC
Windber Moose White vs Westmont White
CT Little Lady Indians vs Westmont Red
Penns Manor 5th Grade vs Data & Audio Video Installations
Westmont Red vs Forest Hills Rangers
North Star Girls vs Westmont White
DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home vs Speed Demons
Bic Basketball vs Windber 4
North Star vs NovaCare Rehab
Windber 6 vs Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys
Windber CSS Medical vs F&J Sports
Richland 5th Subway vs CT-Toll Gate Inn
Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank vs The Heartbeats
Richland 5th ACS vs Windber Moose White
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Richland Lady Rams
Highland Tank vs Windber Moose – Blue
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls
Berlin 2 vs Cougars
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Shanksville Vikings
Berlin 2 vs 1st Summit Bank Portage
Westridge Properties vs Shanksville Vikings
Berlin 1 vs Lady Jays
Westridge Properties vs Richland 6
Berlin 1 vs Off the Rak
Shade 4th/5th vs Forest Hilles Medley
Windber White vs Richland Red
Off the Rak vs Raynor Garage Doors
Windber Blue vs Ligonier Valley
Somerset Girls vs Shady Vikes
River Valley 5th vs Remco
Richland 5th Subway vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Somerset Girls vs Portage Chevrolet
River Valley 5th vs Cougars
Richland 5th ACS vs Sap City
Dively Trucking vs CFO Strategies, LLC
River Valley 6th vs Lady Jays
Moore Dentistry vs Sap City
Dively Trucking vs 1st Summit Bank Portage
River Valley 6th vs Shady Vikes Team 2
Salisbury Elks vs Westmont White
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs Bedford Bisons
Shady Vikes Team 2 vs The Heartbeats
Salisbury Elks vs NovaCare Rehab
Bedford Bisons vs Benscreek Club
Windber 4 vs North Star
Richland Red vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs United
CT-Toll Gate Inn vs Highland Tank
Windber Blue vs Richland Blue
Shade 4th/5th vs Bic Basketball
Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys vs Forest Hills Rangers
Richland Blue vs Windber White
Chestnut Ridge vs Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline)
Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls vs Richland Lady Rams
Benscreek Club vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Richland 5th Subway vs Highland Tank
Richland Lady Rams vs Legends Warehouse
Richland 5th ACS vs Moore Dentistry
CFO Strategies, LLC vs Cougars
Lady Jays vs Shady Vikes
Westmont Red vs Legends Warehouse
Data & Audio Video Installations vs Windber Moose – Blue
Speed Demons vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
Windber 6 vs CT-Toll Gate Inn
Windber 4 vs Salisbury Elks
River Valley 6th vs Raynor Garage Doors
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs Salisbury Elks
River Valley 6th vs Windber CSS Medical
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs Shanksville Vikings
Somerset Girls vs Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank
Ligonier Valley Rams Black vs Shade 4th/5th
Somerset Girls vs The Heartbeats
Ligonier Valley Rams Red vs Windber 6
Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys vs Windber Moose – Blue
Shady Vikes Team 2 vs F&J Sports
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Westmont Red
Shady Vikes Team 2 vs Shady Vikes
North Star vs Westmont White
River Valley 5th vs North Star Girls
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Windber Blue
River Valley 5th vs Westmont White
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Richland Blue
United vs Forest Hills Rangers
Richland Red vs Windber Blue
Windber 4 vs Sap City
United 6th Grade Girls vs 1st Summit Bank Portage
NovaCare Rehab vs Sap City
Data & Audio Video Installations vs United
CT Little Lady Indians vs Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls
NovaCare Rehab vs River Valley Boys
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs Remco
Richland Red vs Ligonier Valley
Shade 4th/5th vs River Valley Boys
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline)
Ligonier Valley vs Windber White
Bedford Bisons vs Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys
Forest Hilles Medley vs Moore Dentistry
Windber White vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Richland Lady Rams vs Westmont Red
Chestnut Ridge vs Cougars
The Hill 7/8th Boys vs Somerset 7/8th Boys
Legends Warehouse vs CT Little Lady Indians
Lady Jays vs Raynor Garage Doors
Richland 5th Subway vs Westmont Red
Richland 5th ACS vs Shade 4th/5th
Data & Audio Video Installations vs Benscreek Club
Tibbott & Richardson Attorneys vs United
Portage Moose & Pro Disposal vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
River Valley 6th vs Shady Vikes
CT-Toll Gate Inn vs Penns Manor 5th Grade
River Valley 6th vs Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank
Richland 5th Subway vs Windber Moose – Blue
Windber CSS Medical vs Shady Vikes Team 2
Forest Hilles Medley vs Windber Moose White
Somerset Girls vs Shady Vikes Team 2
Shanksville Vikings vs Richland 6
Berlin 1 vs Somerset Girls
Berlin 1 vs Portage Chevrolet
Westridge Properties vs Shanksville Vikings
Berlin 2 vs Remco
Westridge Properties vs Windber 6
Berlin 2 vs CFO Strategies, LLC
NovaCare Rehab vs Windber 4
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs Westmont Red
Highland Tank vs Speed Demons
Lively Legz Fly Fishing vs CT Little Lady Indians
Windber 6 vs United
Berlin vs Windber Moose White
Richland 6 vs Westmont Red
Dively Trucking vs Remco
Berlin vs Salisbury Elks
Richland 5th ACS vs Windber 4
Dively Trucking vs Richland Girls (Crossfit Incline)
North Star vs Salisbury Elks
United 6th Grade Girls vs Cougars
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs CFO Strategies, LLC
Off the Rak vs Portage Chevrolet
F&J Sports vs Shady Vikes
Casselman Valley Mad Dawgs vs North Star Girls
Off the Rak vs Windber Legion & Slovenian Bank
Richland Lady Rams vs CT Little Lady Indians
Windber CSS Medical vs Raynor Garage Doors
Bedford Bisons vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
CT-Toll Gate Inn vs Speed Demons
River Valley Boys vs Bic Basketball
Benscreek Club vs Forest Hills Rangers
River Valley Boys vs Moore Dentistry
The Heartbeats vs Portage Chevrolet
Westmont Red vs Forest Hills 6th Grade Girls
Chestnut Ridge vs United 6th Grade Girls
NovaCare Rehab vs Forest Hilles Medley
Windber 4 vs Westmont White
Windber 6 vs Highland Tank
Windber Moose White vs Shade 4th/5th
Richland 6 vs DMCA- Henderson’s Funeral Home
Windber Moose – Blue vs Benscreek Club
Bedford Bisons vs Windber 6
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