2024 Fall 3rd & 4th Grade Boys & Girls League Standings


PosTeamMVP PtsWL
1The Hill 4th1021
2Somerset Orange820
3Choices Clinical Counseling 1720
4RLK Trucking- Forest Hills721
5CT 4th Grade Boys620
6The Hill 3rd504
7CT 3rd Grade- Lifeline Medical Center420
7Mini Trojans420
7Somerset 3rd Grade420
10Watson Insurance421
10Windber 3rd Grade Boys421
13Choices Clinical Counseling 2411
13Weimer Wranglers411
13Windber 4th Grade Boys411
16Berlin 1402
16Bishop McCort Boys402
18Maruca Law210
19Berlin 2211
19North Star Boys211
21Forest Hills212
22Portage 2001
23Overhead Door002
24Cambria Pools and Spas003
24Thrive Life Energy Spa003


PosTeamMVP PtsWL
1Richland 4th Grade Girls1130
2Conemaugh Township1022
3Team Force FH Rangers921
4High Street Body Shop922
5Lady Eagles840
6RGB Electric LLC712
71 Tom Plumber White630
7CSSMC Windber 3rd Grade Girls630
9Westmont 2631
10River Valley 4th Grade620
11Berlin Girls420
12Dynasty by Design FH Rangers421
12Fox’s Rangers421
14Purchase Line Red Dragons402
15Bishop McCort Elementary303
171 Tom Plumber Black212
18Benscreek Club213
19CFO Strategies214
20River Valley 3rd Grade002
21North Star003
21Wessel & Company003
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